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Web Development/HTML4

3. HTML: The Essentials 19. Introduction to HTML HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language, make this part bold, a link, a paragraph, ... HTML elements - we create elements by tags 25. HTML Boilerplate We write our HTML in a standard "skeleton" Hello HTML!! 2022. 12. 6.
2. An Introduction to Web Development 12. Intro to the Web The Internet - global network of interconnected computers that communicate via TCP/IP, networks of networks The Web - the World Wide Web is an information system where documents and others resources are available over the Internet, documents are transferred via HTTP HTTP requests - foundation of communication on the WWW, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, request / response Web s.. 2022. 12. 6.
5. HTML: Forms & Tables 43. Tables: TR, TD and TH Elements : The Table Data Cell elements : The Table Row element : The Table Head element Heviest Birds Animal Average mass [kg (lb)] Maximum mass [kg (lb)] Flighted Ostrich 104(230) 156.8(346) No Somali Ostrich 90(200) 130(287) No 44. Tables: Thead, Tbody, and Tfoot Elements : The Table Head element : The Table Body element : The Table Foot element semantic element라 생각하.. 2022. 3. 14.
4. HTML: Next Steps & Semantics 남길 것들만 남길 계획이다. 32. What Exactly Is HTML5? Living Standard - the HTML standard is a document that describe how HTML should work. Role of Browsers - the standard describees the rules of HTML, but browsers actually have to do the work and implement HTML acording to those rules. HTML5 - HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML. It includes new elements & features for browsers.. 2022. 3. 14.