Introduction to ML Strategy
Why ML Strategy?
Ideas to improve ML model: collect more data, collect more diverse training set, train algorithm longer with gradient descent, try adam instead of gradient descent, try bigger network, try smaller network, try dropout, add l2 regularization, modify network architecture, ...
ML problem을 분석하여 가장 효과적일 것으로 보이는 아이디어를 시도하는 것이 당연하게도 좋을 것이다. (ML strategy)
Chain of assumptions in ML
Fit training set well on cost function -> Fit dev set well on cost function -> Fit test set well on cost function -> Performs well in real world
Setting Up your Goal
Single Number Evaluation Metric
Precision: \( \frac{\text{# real true among them}}{\text{# model classifies true}} \)
Recall: \( \frac{\text{# model classifies true among real true}}{\text{real true}} \)
F1 score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall ( \( \frac{2}{\frac{1}{\text{precision}} + \frac{1}{\text{recall}}} \) )
Dev set + Single real number evaluation metric -> speed up iterating
Satisfying and Optimizing Metric
1 satisfying metric + n - 1 optimizing metrics
Train / Dev / Test Distributions
Development set, hold out set, cross validation set
choose a dev set and test set with the same distribution
Size of the Dev and Test Sets
Old way of splitting data: 70% / 30%, 60% / 20% / 20%
Set your test set to be big enough to give high confidence in the overall performances of your system
When to Change Dev / Test Sets and Metrics
If you are not satisfied with the current metric, then you can define another metric you prefer
1. Place target -> 2. Aim / Shoot at target
If doing well on your metric + dev/test set does not correspond to doing well on your application, change your metric and/or dev/test set
Comparing to Human-level Performance
Why Human-level Performance?
- Get labeled data from humans
- Gain insight from manual error analysis:; Why did a person get this right
- Better analysis of bias/variance
Avoidable Bias
Human-level error as a proxy for Bayes error
If the training error reaches the human-level error (bayes error precisely), then we consider the error as an avoidable bias.
Understanding Human-level Error
Until your model surpasses the human level, you can choose whether you reduce bias, or variance.
After that, making better model is quite difficult
Surpassing Human-level Performance
Problems where ML significantly surpasses human-level performance
- Online advertising, Product recommendations, Logistics (predicting transit time), Loan approvals, Speech recognition, Some image recognition, Medical
Improving your Model Performance
The two fundamental assumptions of supervised learning
1. You can fit the training set pretty well. (~ Avoidable bias)
2. The training set performance generalizes pretty well to the dev/test set. (~ variance)
Human-level <- Avoidable bias -> Training error <- Variance -> Dev error
Improving bias: Train bigger model, Train longer/better optimization algorithms, NN architecture / hyperparameters search
Improving variance: More data, Regularization, NN architecture / hyperparameters search
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