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Web Development/Backend

32. Exploring Modules & The NPM Universe

by 사향낭 2022. 1. 28.


323. Working With module.exports




module.exports = {
    add: (a, b) => a + b,
    PI: 3.14159




const { add, PI } = require('./math')

console.log(add(2, 4));



324. Requiring A Directory


When requiring a directory, index.js file will be used in Node



325. Introducing NPM




- Node Package Manager


- A library of thousands of packages published by other developers that we can use for free


- A command-line tool to easily install and manage those packages in our Node projects



328. The All-important Package json




- A JSON file that has metadata about a package.


- It saves the author, license. dependencies, etc.


- "npm init" command to create a package.json file




329. Installing All Dependencies For A Project


- "npm install" command in a folder having a package.json file will install all dependencies enumerated in the package.json file automatically

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