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Web Development/CSS

7. The World of CSS Selectors

by 사향낭 2022. 3. 15.

복습을 무조건 해야겠다는 깨달음을 얻었다!


학습에는 무조건 복습이 필요하다.




69 - 71. Universal & Element & Id & Class Selectors



Universal selector: *


Element selector: element


Id selector: #id


Class selector: .class




72 - 74. The Descendant & Adjacent & Direct-Descendant & Attribute selectors



Descendant selector: element element


Adjacent selector: element + element


Direct-descendant selector: element > element


Attribute selector: element[attribute="what you want"]




75. Pseudo Classes




(pseudo-class-name 종류: hover, clicked, checked, nth-of-type 등)




76. Pseudo Elements




(pseudo-element-name 종류: after, before, first-letter, first-line, selection 등)




77 - 78. The CSS Cascade & Specificity



동일한 elment에 중복된 style이 있다면 더 specific한 것이 win.


specificity가 같다면 마지막 style이 win


Specificity 우선순위는 다음과 같음.


ID Selectors > Class, Attribute, & Pseudo-Class Selectors > Element and Pseudo-Element Selectors




80. Inline Styles & Important



Inline style과 !important keyword는 위 우선순위를 무시하고 언제나 이긴다.






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