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Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022/Improving Deep Neural Networks

1. Practical Aspects of Deep Learning #3

by 사향낭 2022. 7. 10.

Setting Up your Optimization Problem



Normalizing Inputs



1. Subtract mean


\( \mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum^m_i x^{(i)} \)


\( x := x - \mu \)


2. Normalize variance


\( \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{m} \sum^m_i x^{(i)}*x^{(i)} \)


\( x /= \sigma \)




Vanishing / Exploding Gradients



network가 너무 깊으면 gradient가 너무 작아 사라지거나 너무 커 폭발할 수 있다.



Weight initialization for Deep Networks




Numerical Approximation of Gradients




Gradient Checking





Gradient Checking Implementation Notes



- Don't use in training <- only to debug


- If algorithm fails grad check, look at components to try to identify bug


- If algorithm fails grad check, look at components to try to identify bug.


- Remember regularization


- Doesn't work with dropout


- Run at random initialization; perhaps again after some training


