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Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022/Improving Deep Neural Networks

1. Practical Aspects of Deep Learning #1

by 사향낭 2022. 7. 5.

Setting up your Machine Learning Application



Train / Dev / Test sets



Previous: 70% / 30%, 60% / 20% / 20%


Modern: 1M number of data (Big data) -> make dev, test sets as small as possible (ex. 98% / 1% / 1%)



In mismatched train/test distribution, ensure that dev and test come from the same distribution.


Not having a test set might be okay. (Only dev set)



Bias / Variance




Basic Recipe for Machine Learning



High bias (training data performance) -> bigger network, train longer NN architecture search


High variance (dev data performance) -> more data, regularization, NN architecture search


Previous: "Bias, variance tradeoff"


Modern: Bigger network, More data!
