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Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022/Improving Deep Neural Networks

3. Hyperparameter Tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks

by 사향낭 2022. 7. 15.

Hyperparameter Tuning



Tuning Process



Try random values for hyperparameter, Don't use a grid


Coarse to fine



Using an Appropriate Scale to pick Hyperparameters



For example, check \( \alpha \) in log scale


For \( \beta \), consider the value of \( 1 - \beta \)



Hyperparameters Tuning in Practice: Pandas vs. Cavier



Babysitting one model vs Training many models in parallel




Batch Normalization



Normalizing Activations in a Network



Batch Norm: Normalize Z, and set its mean and variance something learnable



Fitting Batch Norm into a Neural Network



If we use batch norm, bias term is not meaningful, so get rid of these.



Why does Batch Norm work?



Covariate shift


Training set과 test set이 다른 distribution을 보이지만, x와 y의 상관관계는 동일한 경우를 의미한다.


input의 조그마한 변화도 layer를 거쳐가며 그 영향이 커질 수 있는데 이를 normalization으로 줄여줄 수 있다.


각각의 mini-batch는 그 mini-batch의 mean과 variance로 scaling 될 것이다.


이는 z 값에 노이즈를 더해 dropout처럼 regularization 효과를 준다.



Batch Norm at Test Time



z -> normalization (mean: 0, variance: 1) -> chane its mean and variance as \( \beta, \gamma \)




Multi-class Classification



Softmax Regression



Compute each class' probability



Training a Softmax Classifier



\( z^{[L]} \) -> \( np.exp(z^{[L]}) \) -> \( \frac{np.exp(z^{[L]})}{ \sum_i np.exp(z^{[L]}_i) } \) 


hardmax -> 1 (100 %) for one, 0 (0 %) for others


softmax -> probability




Introduction to Programming Frameworks



Deep Learning Frameworks



Choosing deep learning frameworks


- Ease of programming (development and deployment)


- Running speed


- Truly open (open source with good governance)
