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Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022/Improving Deep Neural Networks

2. Optimization Algorithms

by 사향낭 2022. 7. 14.

Mini-batch Gradient Descent



Batch Gradient Descent - Training once by m training sets 


Mini-batch Gradient Descent - Training t times by m / t training sets



Understanding Mini-batch Gradient Descent



Batch Gradient Descent - mini-batch size is m


Stocastic Gradient Descent - mini-batch size is 1


In practice, mini-batch size is in-between 1 and m



Exponentially Weighted Averages



\( v_t \) = \( \beta v_{t - 1} \) + \( (1 - \beta) \) \( \theta_t \)


\( v_t \) is approximately average over \( \frac{1}{1 - \beta} \) days temperature



Understanding Exponentially Weighted Averages



\( (1 - \epsilon)^{\frac{1}{\epsilon}} = \frac{1}{e} \)



Bias Correction in Exponentially Weighted Averages



\( v_t = \frac{ \beta v_{t - 1} + (1 - \beta) \theta_t }{ 1 - \beta^t } \)



Gradient Descent with Momentum



Momentum: For each iteration t,


\( v_{dw} = \beta v_{dw} + (1 - \beta) dw \), \( v_{db} = \beta v_{db} + (1 - \beta) db \)


\( w = w - \alpha v_{dw} \), \( b = b - \alpha v_{db} \)


People usually don't use bias correction.



RMSprop (Root Mean Square)



On iteration t:


Compute dw, db on current mini-batch


\( S_{dw} = \beta S_{dw} + (1 - \beta) dw^2 (element-wise) \) <- small


\( S_{db} = \beta S_{db} + (1 - \beta) db^2) <- large


\( w := w - \alpha \frac{dw}{\sqrt{S_{dw}}} \), \( b := b - \alpha \frac{db}{\sqrt{S_{db}}} \)



Adam Optimization Algorithm



Momentum + RMSprop


\( \alpha \): needs to be tune


\( \beta_1 \): 0.9


\( \beta_2 \): 0.999


\( \epsilon \): \( 10^{-8} \)


Adam: Adaptive moment estimation



Learning Rate Decay



\( \alpha = \frac{1}{1 + \text{decay_rate} * \text{epoch_num}} \alpha_0 \)


\( \alpha = 0.95^{\text{epoch_num}} \alpha_0 \)


\( \alpha = \frac{k}{\sqrt{\text{epoch_num}}} \alpha_0 \)
